- What is the Portola Magnet Parents Association (MPA)? The Portola Magnet Parents Association (MPA) is a 501(c)3 charitable organization founded by Portola Highly Gifted Magnet (HGM) families and run by parent volunteers to support the HGM program with both monetary donations and volunteer assistance. All families with children enrolled in HGM are automatically members.
- What is the purpose of MPA? The purpose of MPA is to provide education and charitable assistance to HGM by raising funds and organizing activities to support and enhance its education program.
- How is the money raised by MPA being spent? The funds raised by MPA help complete the HGM’s annual budget by paying for field trips to cultural and academic institutions; academic competitions such as Math Counts, Battle of the Books, History Day LA, and Spelling Bee; science materials as well as supplies and support for science fairs; high school level books, literature books and Common Core materials; a full-time Aide / Magnet Coordinator to assist HGM students; and funding for classroom materials and HGM teacher professional development.
- What is MPA’s fundraising goal this year and how does MPA raise money? Traditionally, the Annual Giving Fund makes up for #% all of the funds raised. The rest is raised through other fundraisers such as the Annual Auction, AmazonSmile, and Ralphs Community Rewards Program. Critically, the Annual Giving Fund is the single most important fundraiser at HGM.
- What does 100% participation mean for the MPA Annual Giving Fund? Every donation counts, from $10 to $10,000. We understand that every family situation is different. Your donation helps our program, no matter the amount, if it is personally meaningful to you. The more participation we have from families, the more every HGM student benefits. Many educational grants are determined by the *percentage* of families in a program who participate in giving. Thus, our goal for the Annual Giving Fund is for 100% participation.
- How else can I help raise money for MPA, if I have already donated to the MPA Annual Giving Fund? If you have just a few minutes you can ask your company HR department if they will match your donation to MPA and register your Ralphs Card for the Ralphs Community Reward Program. If you have more than a few minutes you can volunteer to help with fundraising.
- Are there other ways I can contribute, in addition to making a monetary donation? Yes! Do you enjoy field trips? The Science Fair? Helping with teacher appreciation? There are countless ways that you can contribute, including serving on the MPA board; serving on a committee, such as fundraising, science fair, communication, enrichment, school tour, culmination or social/event committee; helping with field trips; researching grant opportunities, etc. Email us at: [email protected]
- What is FOP (Friends of Portola) and how is it different than our group, the MPA (Portola Magnet Association)? MPA supports the HGM specifically, FOP supports the school at large. Both MPA and FOP are 501(c)3 charitable organizations run by parent volunteers to support students at Portola. FOP works to provide education essentials no longer afforded by LAUSD such as library and computer support, field trips, enrichment opportunities for all students at Portola, and stipends for teacher supplies. MPA is different in that it is solely dedicated to assisting, supporting and enhancing the academic program for students and teachers at HGM. Therefore, we ask that every HGM family donate what they can to MPA, because every dollar donated goes to directly benefit their student at HGM.
- Do I have to contribute to MPA if I already contributed to FOP? Yes! Your generous donation to MPA is 100% dedicated to maintaining and developing our unique and outstanding program at HGA. Your MPA donation funds HGM-specific program items (such as, HGM field trips, academic competitions, science materials/supplies/fairs, high school level books, full-time HGM aide, and HGM classroom materials and professional development) that are not otherwise covered by your FOP donation.
- HGM is a public school program, and I pay my taxes… do I really need to donate? Yes! California public schools receive funding from the State, primarily from income and sales tax revenues, and also from local property taxes that are collected at the local level and distributed by the State. This means that school funding fluctuates along with the economy. Additionally, state funding affords just the basics, so it is up to parents to close the gap between what California provides and what it really takes to educate our students in an enriched school environmental and provide them with a truly gifted educational experience.